Industry Specialist

IT Support for Mining

Qbit will research, recommend and deploy the best IT and communication solutions for your specific requirements. We deliver cutting-edge mining it solutions that are cost-effective, secure and reliable. Qbit’s Mining IT support offers increased efficiency and employee satisfaction across your sites of operation.
remote area internet

Increase Connectivity and Security Across Your Organisation

Mining and Exploration companies have a range of unique challenges. From large data sets to working in some of the most remote areas in the world. Mining companies also have a large Cyber Security footprint having to control many devices across the network. 

Qbit has the expertise to put all sites behind cloud security infrastructure, increasing connectivity and security across the whole organisation, whilst minimising the risk of physical hardware failure on remote sites. We will ensure each firm is allocated a dedicated technical account manager to look for further efficiency and productivity gains where technology and automation can assist with business processes.

Qbit works extensively with companies in the Exploration, Mining, and Mining services areas of the resources sector. We are well versed in all phases of the mining lifecycle and have supported client growth from 5 to 6 people in the exploration phase, through to hundreds on vast discovery sites.


Service and solutions for mining and exploration sector
  • Compliance with NIST and Essential 8 Cyber Security Frameworks
  • Comprehensive IT and Cyber Security Assessments
  • Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Specialists
  • Onsite Server and File Management Solutions
  • Remote Communications & Data
  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
  • Protections and Compliance
  • Agile Solutions designed to increase productivity, collaboration & efficiency
  • Fully Managed Phone Systems
  • Conferencing solutions for boards and boardrooms

Remote Communications

We are experts in remote communications with specific expertise in researching and recommending the best solution for your specific onsite needs. We have access to industry-leading software which enables us to scientifically assess what is possible in your location, and design a detailed mining IT solution tailored to the exact topography of your site.


Qbit Works with the Following:

Qbit Are Experts In IT Support For Mining And Exploration. We Are Fully Versed With Multiple Applications And Solutions Including:

Cyber Security for The Mining and Exploration Sector

Cyber Security is a major concern for the stakeholders of mining and exploration companies. Understanding the Cyber landscape can be a daunting task, let alone knowing how to mitigate the risks.

Having legal obligations to protect data and news before it is released on the ASX means we must have a well-thought-out and robust mining Cyber Security plan. Therefore, Qbit recommends aligning your ICT with the NIST Cyber Security Framework which is explained in detail below.

The dropdown menu below shows an outline of the NIST framework and how Qbit’s system, processes, products, and procedures can help you align with it. For discussions related to aligning with the Essential Eight framework, please contact Qbit directly. For discussions related to aligning with the Essential Eight framework, please contact Qbit directly.

  • It is critical that we first identify what in your company needs to be protected. At first, this may seem as simple as data on the server but when you dig deeper you will identify many areas that did at first not come to mind. 


    Some examples may be drilling results on a laptop in the field and transferring that information to your servers. It may be subcontractors who you allow onto your network for internet access at the site. Ensuring that we identify all vulnerabilities is key to ensuring we have robust Cyber Security defences.

    Your website may not have critical information located there. However, if it is defaced or even worse, it can lead to reputational damage. Identifying what needs to be protected for these reasons is the first step in your mining Cyber Security Plan.

  • Once we have identified your mining and exploration companies’ risk landscape, with consultation we decide on the best processes and products to reduce your Cyber Security risk footprint. This may consist of Cyber Security training, change of processes or procedures, and products.

  • Once we have identified what needs to be protected we can put safeguards in place to protect them, we need to develop and implement appropriate activities to identify the occurrence of a Cyber Security event. This is necessary as it is impossible to 100% protect any organisation, however, it is possible to detect an event early, and minimise the damage and footprint of that event.

  • In the case, your mining or exploration has had an event detected, how we respond is critical. There are three key areas that need addressing, planning recovery from the event, public relations and communication, and improvements to prevent reoccurrence.

    Understanding this will ensure that in the case of a Cyber Security event you are prepared and ready to respond. The confidence in knowing these steps internally at your firm and having Qbit as your IT Partner will ensure your clients feel confident you have responded having the right policies in place to handle the event.

  • It is critical to ensure your firm is resilient and develops the strategies and plans to have in place to support the timely recovery to normal operations after a Cyber event. This will reduce the impact of a Cyber Security incident. 

    Recovery Planning is essential to all mining and exploration companies because of the unique challenges faced in getting resources to remote areas. Having systems in place like Datto Business Continuity devices can reduce the downtime from days to under an hour.

    For more information please call us at (08) 6364 0600 to arrange an obligation-free chat and assessment by one of our resources sector specialists.

Qbit are a smart and friendly bunch of IT professionals that we know have our back. Our growth has been rapid, and as a result, we have needed an IT company that can move quickly and knows their stuff. As well as providing a well maintained, secure, and scalable network for our corporate operations in Perth, Qbit has gone the extra mile in sending technical staff out to assess our remote sites of operation. Giving them a thorough understanding of the landscape, so they can provide us with the best available communications, connectivity, and infrastructure solutions to address our specific needs.

Craig Nelmes

Company Secretary, De Grey Mining

Contact John Williams

Call John to find out more about IT Support for mining companies.