IT Solutions


SharePoint Online is a cloud-based platform that is part of the Microsoft 365 platform. SharePoint provides a platform for communication, collaboration, document management and workflow tools that any size organisation can use to improve productivity, security and compliance.

A Platform for communication, collaboration and more

Many businesses struggle with scattered documents, inefficient information sharing, and siloed teamwork. Microsoft SharePoint offers a solution by providing a centralised web-based platform for collaboration and document management.

SharePoint can be a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It promotes teamwork, improves efficiency, and provides a secure platform for document management and collaboration. If you’re looking to streamline your workflows and boost productivity, then SharePoint is definitely worth considering.

It is imperative that any 365 and SharePoint migration is completed by someone with specialist knowledge. Qbit has Microsoft 365 and SharePoint specialists in-house. We have worked with many clients to ensure the smooth and effective implementation of these products across organisations of varying sizes.

If you are having problems with your SharePoint structure and syncing, we have great experience in this area.

While most Microsoft 365 users have access to SharePoint Online, many fail to leverage its full potential. A successful migration and implementation require specialist knowledge. Qbit, with its team of Microsoft 365 and SharePoint specialists, can help you:

  • Migrate to SharePoint Online Smoothly: Ensure a seamless transition to the platform, minimising disruption to your workflows.
  • Optimise Your SharePoint Structure: Design a user-friendly and efficient structure for your organisation’s specific needs.
  • Resolve Syncing Issues: Troubleshoot and resolve any syncing problems you might encounter.

Document Management Systems

SharePoint contains advanced document management capabilities such as Rights Management, Data Loss Prevention, Sensitivity Labelling, in-Place Legal-Hold, Versioning, Content Approval and much more. At Qbit, we can help you unlock these advanced features as required so that you can meet all your organisation’s compliance and security requirements.

We will work with you to identify ways we can best help you reorganise and classify your documents using metadata (customised tags for your files), file naming conventions and effective and manageable permissions structures.


By using the power of Team Sites in SharePoint we can create spaces where teams of employees can work together towards common goals, whether it is a departmental team, project team or a location-based team. Qbit can assist you to set up sites for sharing news, documents, lists of information and more.

Workflow Tools

Bringing your organisation’s data and documents into a singular platform such as Microsoft 365 allows you to utilise the advanced workflow tools available – Power Apps for connecting to, and working with data; Power Automate to create automation flows to reduce manual handling of repetitive tasks; and Power BI to present your information in rich visualisations, which enhance your ability to understand and act on your data.

Qbit can assist you with this process of automating and streamlining your workflows by combining the various services of Microsoft 365 to maximise your organisation’s productivity.


A corporate intranet can assist any size organisation to share information with staff, provide centralised access to internal forms, policies and procedures, and for users to share news.

Qbit can build you a simple single site intranet or expand it to a multi-hub intranet where each department or office has its own multi-site hubs with permissions controlling access to sensitive information or data.