Our Services

Cyber Security

As a Managed IT Services provider, cyber security is our number one concern. We protect your organisational reputation and business revenues from cyber threats by maintaining the integrity and privacy of mission-critical data and applications. Our cyber security solutions secure and monitor your systems from end to end, helping us to keep your security policies consistent and compliant across your organisation. We offer top-notch cyber security services in Perth to ensure the safety of your digital assets and data.

Cyber Security

Since computers were invented losing data from hardware failure or fire was our number one concern. However, in the last few years, this has been overtaken by losing access to the data from a cyber event or data being published on the Dark Web.

Cyber criminals are continuously inventing ways to relieve you of your hard-earned cash and they do not care what damage it does to your business or reputation. We have seen events that have led to the demise of WA businesses. We have seen successful scams that have led to hundreds of thousands of dollars being paid to scammers. There is a misconception that this only happens to the big end of town – which is false.

ISO27001 Quality Management Standard

Qbit achieved our Cyber Security ISO27001 certification in 2024. This is a testament to how seriously Qbit takes security. Both internally and at our customer sites.


Your Managed Services IT company needs to have well thought out processes and procedures to help you protect your business from those cyber security threats and criminals that only care about getting your money. This is why Qbit aligns its clients with the NIST Cyber Security Framework.

The below graphic shows the areas of the framework and how Qbit’s system, processes, products, and procedures can help you align your information communication technology (ICT) with the NIST Cyber Security Framework.

  • It is critical that we first identify what needs to be protected. At first, this may seem simple but when you dig deeper you will identify many areas that did at first not come to mind. 

    Some examples of cyber security risk areas are files on laptops, or the way clients transfer information to you. While you may not have customer information on your website, it being defaced or worse can lead to reputational damage.

    Identifying what needs to be protected for these reasons is your first step in your Cyber Security Plan.

  • Once we have identified your company’s risk landscape, with consultation we decide on the best processes and products to reduce your Cyber Security risk footprint. This may consist of Cyber Security training, change of processes or procedures, and the implementation of cyber security products. 

    The aim is to ensure the delivery of services to your clients is not affected, your data is safe and confidential, and that your hard-earned cash is safe.

  • Once we have identified what needs to be protected and put safeguards in place to protect them from common cyber security threats, we need to develop and implement appropriate activities to identify the emerging threats and occurrence of a Cyber Security event. 

    This is necessary as it is impossible to 100% protect any organisation, however, it is possible to detect an event early and minimise the damage from a cyber attack.

  • If an event has been detected, how we respond is critical. There are three areas that need addressing: an incident response plan to recover from the cyber security event, public relations, and improvements to prevent reoccurrence. This is why it’s important to get the help of cyber security professionals.

  • Having a well-thought-out plan to help you recover from cyber attacks can minimise the damage caused. Having security products installed and active before the event can lead to faster recovery and tracking of how the event took place. 

    The main aim is the eradication of the cyber attack and returning your business to full production as fast as possible while minimising the damage to data, finances, and reputation.

  • Qbit customers get an IT Management Plan that is based on the NIST Cyber Security Framework. It is updated quarterly to ensure that you are kept up to date with the latest developments in cyber security. It will show you what areas of the NIST Cyber Security Framework you have covered and what areas of improvement can be made.

    We also discuss:

    • Hardware Aging Guide
    • Checks of your current systems
    • Contract expiry dates
    • Account Manager recommendations

    The aim of this plan is to keep your staff productive, your systems running and your data safe.

Business IT Security Solutions

Security awareness training
Compliance checks
Protecting IT Infrastructure